Tuesday, April 3, 2012

project one posts

here are three articles i was thinking of illustrating
http://news.yahoo.com/burger-kings-healthier-menu-bk-launch-comeback-123500105.html http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/forum/story/2012-04-01/santorum-health-care-obamacare-reform/53933132/1 http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/letters/story/2012-04-03/airline-industry-regulation/53980294/1 I chose this following article on our current airline situation: The concept of deregulation was to let the airlines compete. Let the strong win and the weak fail. The experiment hasn't worked out so well, as many airlines have failed, filed for bankruptcy protection or been absorbed by others. The result is a nation of disenchanted travelers who are at the mercy of airlines and increasing airfares. Airline employees have had their pensions and wages cut by management but are still expected to put on a big smile. Also, fliers now must pay for things that were once a fundamental part of the travel experience. The airlines have been allowed by Washington to police themselves. If air travel is indeed "a public convenience and necessity," then it is about time someone from that same government steps in and stops the madness. Greg Adamson; Phoenix Let market forces work As an airline captain of a major airline hired in 1978, the year that deregulation started, I can assure you that deregulation worked. At the time, the industry employed mostly white men. Deregulating the airlines expanded the pool of candidates who were eligible to get those good-paying jobs previously not available to minorities. USATODAY OPINION The airlines that failed did so because they didn't adapt to the market. Another way to describe it: They rested on their laurels. Pan Am, TWA, Eastern and more thought they were bulletproof and hid behind the old route structure. Market forces will always dictate who will survive. Clyde Romero; Marietta, Ga. Blame poor management A huge thank you to Phil Longman for his commentary about why the airline industry should be re-regulated. I've been both a pilot and flight attendant for several major airlines for 22 years. The airline business is one of the most poorly managed businesses in the country. I've routinely witnessed shockingly destructive, short-term management decisions that are devoid of reason. The result: massive financial losses, employee pay cuts, layoffs, pension terminations, bankruptcies and liquidations. Airline managers have driven the industry off a cliff. This situation is not good for anyone — not the companies, their employees, our country and certainly not customers. Something must be done to stop the destruction of this once great industry. It's obviously not going to come from managers clearly bent on crushing their companies. Government re-regulation is the best option at this point.
Three illustrators i researched and think are totally rad, 

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